Codex Ivrea

This codex is found in the ”Biblioteca Capitolare“ in Ivrea and is considered the most important parchment manuscript of the time for research on the ars nova motet. The codex contains altogether 37 motets of the ars antiqua and the ars nova.

In the early 1980s Olaf Raitzig had access to these motets only through the doctoral thesis of Mildred Johnson (1955). Later he was able to work with photocopies and a microfilm (both in black and white) as well as with color slides of colored folios from the Ivrea cathedral chapter, which the local ”Biblioteca Capitolare“ kindly put at his disposal for his research. The microfilm contains the complete manuscript and has the great advantage of having been made prior to the restoration of the codex.

The collection was complemented by facsimiles of other sources. All the facsimiles as well as the microfilm are found in Olaf Raitzig’s estate.

Olaf Raitzig analyzed and transcribed all the 37 motets, with one exception: He did not regard the composition ”Dantur – Quid scire“ as a motet and therefore ignored it.

He counted “Se grace – Cum venerint”, “Les l’ormel a la turelle – Mayn se leva” and “Clap clap – Sus Robin” among the ars antiqua motets; all the others he assigned to the ars nova.

There are numerous recordings; for some motets the player offers several variants (V1, V2, V3).


For the following motets the respective scores have been posted. The corresponding tables of mensural notation and commentaries documenting the editorial process can be found in the book displayed below. In all these cases the text underlay was provided by Olaf Raitzig.

1v-2r O Philippe – O bone dux
2v-3r Altissonis – In principes
3v-4r Febus mundo – Lanista vipereus – Cornibus
4v-5r Impudenter – Virtutibus
5v-6r Apta caro – Flos virginum
6v-7r Ida capillorum – Portio nature
7v-8r Post missarum – Post misse modulamina
11v-12r Almifonis melos – Rosa
12v-13r Apollinis – Zodiacum

For the following motets as well there are transcriptions including the text underlay:

15v-16r Tuba sacre fidei – In arboris
17v-18r Colla iugo – Bona condit
19v-20r A vous, vierge – Ad te, virgo
22v-23r Mon chant – Qui doloreus

For the remaining scores the text needs to be added at a later point (partially or completely). References to the exemplars used are found in the score.

8v-9r Vos quid admiramini – Gratissima
9v-10r Flos ortus – Celsa cedrus
10v-11r Martyrum gemma – Diligenter
13v-14r Zolomina – Nazarea
14v-15r Cum statua – Hugo
16v-17r Rachel plorat – Ha fratres
17v-18r Colla iugo – Bona condit
18v-19r Tant a soutille – Bien pert
19v-20r A vous, vierge – Ad te, virgo
20v-21r Amours – Faus Samblant
21v Se grace – Cum venerint
22r Les l’ormel a la turelle – Mayn se leva
22v-23r Mon chant – Qui doloreus
23v-24r Douce playsence – Garison
24v-25r Qui es promesses – Ha, Fortune
25v-26r Se paour – Diex tan desir
26v-27r Si enseignament – De tous les biens
37v-38r Petre Clemens – Lugentium
53r Fortune mere – Ma dolour
55r Canenda vulgo – Rex quem
55v In virtute – Decens carmen
56v-57r Amer amours – Durement
57v-58r Trop ay dure – Par sauvage
59v-60r L’amoureuse flour – En l’estat
60v Clap clap – Sus Robin


Gotische Polyphonie Motetten der ars nova • CODEX IVREA • Studien

In an utterly new way this book presents transcriptions of ars nova motets from the “Codex Ivrea”.
Each motet is accompanied by an isorhythmic transcription of the facsimile in tabular mensural notation and a modern score.

The volume is rounded off by numerous commentaries and references to transcriptions in other sources as well as thoughts on medieval notation presented both in German and English. In addition the book contains a CD with recordings of the motets.

ISMN: 979-0-700325-00-8 • linen, thread stitching, CD • 84 sites, format 31,5*24 cm • price: 69,55 €